2018. február 27., kedd

I need some opinions.

So this guy and I have been like messing around and stuff for a while and it was fine. He’s still in the closet so when he would come over my roommates would have to like hide while he went to my room and stuff. I work at a movie theater and the other day he messaged me asking if I was at work and I was so I told him I was. He came into my work to watch a movie and when I saw him I was all “hey, what are you watching?” And he replied “Black Panther” and I was like “oh cool” and walked away, that was the end of the conversation. Not 10 minutes later I got a message from him saying that if I see him in public not to talk to him or acknowledge him because he doesn’t want to be associated with someone who’s gay. I told him he had no reason to freak out but he told me he was very disappointed in me because I spoke to him in public. I told him that made me upset and he said the only one that can be upset is him because I embarrassed him. He was alone and it was slow so no one even saw us talking because it was so brief. He’s now been ignoring me and I’m ready to hist block his number because I think I deserve better than that. What do you guys thing about the entire situation?

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