2018. február 19., hétfő

Coping with an anti-gay family

When I was 16, gay marriage was legalized and I witnessed my father telling his comrades that he was disappointed in our government for focusing on things that "werent important".I came out in the summer of 2017. I had a job for the second time in my life and had saved up enough to make a bank account. During the time, I was so tired of being in the closet that I decided I was going to have a PRIDE custom debit card. When my mother saw it, she told me that it wasn't okay to have, even though it was a movement that I supported and felt strongly about. I told her that I wasn't just supporting the movement and that I was indeed gay.There was an sense of relief, a sense of completion. But, although I was was out, my parents decided that my gayness was the worst thing to happen to them. There was crying, and screaming and yelling.... but I knew they were confused and hurt at the death of their dream: a straight son. The days passed and we're okay now.... but the thing is, they're paying for my college tuition at one of the most expensive Universities in the state. My social life is nonexistent and I've watched my grades drop before my eyes. I can no longer focus, I'm sad all the time, and it feels like graduation is a long time away....I can't... sometimes I feel like I'm trapped. I feel like I can't do it. I gained 20lbs since graduation, and my eating habits have worsened.It's tough, and I know life isn't easy and that it could be worse..(Sorry for my terrible sentence structure, I'm a shitty writer.)

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