2018. február 19., hétfő

My FIL [55] just came out as gay to husband and his family. Seeking advice to support.

Yesterday morning my FIL [55] emailed my husband [30] and other family and friends that he is gay. He’s known he was gay from a young age, but suppressed it and did what he perceived to be the right thing. He admitted he’s had struggles, at times suicidal thoughts, and could no longer live with this secret.For some context, my FIL and MIL divorced when my husband was 6 and he has never remarried. He did have another relationship with a woman for several years, but it ended many years ago and he has just been living on his own. FIL and MIL have two kids: my husband and his sister. To the best of our knowledge he has not been in a relationship with another man.This news comes as a shock to my husband. He messaged his dad and told him that he loves him, but we haven’t heard or gotten a response from his father. In one way if FIL responded back to husband he wouldn’t know how to go about the conversation, but my husband also has so many questions.We are trying to not make FIL’s coming out about us. As mentioned before DH admitted he wouldn’t know how the conversation would go if FIL called him directly and told him one on one, but on the other hand DH’s hurt that he was blanketed in an email about his dad’s truth. FIL has essentially shut himself off from everyone since and DH just wants to talk to him. We’ve been getting messages from family about this and we have yet to respond to anyone because we want to hear from FIL first. DH is incredibly proud his dad has come out and finally feels like his dad did something for himself. FIL has always been for lack of better words run over by MIL and his own mother.As far as my feelings go I feel like this explains a lot about the lack of relationship FIL and I have. As a wife to my husband I want to be fully supportive and there for my husband and ultimately my FIL. I wouldn’t have my husband if it weren’t for FIL. My time will come later to talk to FIL, but I just wanna be there for husband as he deals with this news.Any advice on how we should talk or listen to FIL with his revelation? I feel so inappropriate and foolish for asking and sharing this. It’s 2018 and while we do know how to communicate with LGBTQ community we have never had anyone personally close to us come out. We feel like this is a huge moment for FIL and don’t want to hurt him since he’s lived in secret for so long. I hope this is the right place to share... Neither husband and I know where to go and don’t want to broadcast this information to people who are unaware FIL is gay.

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