2017. augusztus 1., kedd

Where do you think is it safe for a gay student to study post graduate medical courses?

I'm a 18 y.o. closeted Gay guy living in a developing country (Hint: it's in Asia), that means I cannot come out without being assaulted or going to jail. From past experiences I can say that my parents (or at least my mother) have no idea what it is like to be gay. My family is doing really well (financially), my parents have earned great respect from the people of our community (who also happen to be homophobic assholes). But only our close friends and relatives know what crazy shit my parents do at home (hint: it involves mental harassment and domestic violence too). I could live a normal life here, if I wasn't gay. I got accepted into an okay-ish Med School today. But when I told my father about my plans to move out (I didn't come out though), he got all teary eyed and lectured me about giving back to our motherland. He's right, I have been privileged to be born in this household (financially), and I believe that I should take full advantage of this and become a productive citizen who does charity and stuff like my parents. I should give something back to the people. Another part of me feels that it doesn't make any sense to "give back" to this homophobic country. They'll never accept me, I don't care if they don't. My father is fine with me going out for post-graduate courses, but I have to come back. Moving out to a different country is scary (students from my country have been assaulted in places like Australia), plus I'm a fag. I don't know where should I go. Right after I escape this hellhole called "home", I'm stuck with a bigger problem.

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