2017. augusztus 26., szombat

What should I do? (Open relationship/ mixed feelings)

So let's get to the point. I am gay.. married and in an open relationship.My husband and myself rarely have sex. There are a lot of underlying reasons for that. The result is sex with others.I've never really been that guy but over time I've just been chipped away and it is what it is.I'm 33. And I seem to have found myself entangled with a much younger guy. He is smart. Funny. And we have chemistry. I'm currently in college (veteran) and so is he.. normal college age.Am I just filling a void or am I naturally just trying to find someone who genuinely likes me? We have not had sex. But have spent some great times together. We have had sexual experiences and have been communicating how we feel.I really like him but I also don't want to tell him that. I don't want to be the guy who dampens his youth.I'm up for open dialogue.Thanks

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