2017. augusztus 26., szombat

Question about job security

I wanna be out at work because my gaydar has picked up potentially three coworkers who seem to be lgbt, and while my company has an anti-discrimination policy, my state says it's ok to fire away at the first sight of gay.My manager is a pentacostal christian, and having grown up with a friend whose family was pentacostal (and having attended many a service at his church) I know how judgemental they can be at small things like clothing choices and entertainment selections, let alone sexualities.I don't plan on getting on the intercom and being all HEYYYYY EVERYBODY I'M GAAAAAAAAAAAAAY but I'm also tired of a few of my other coworkers asking me if I noticed female customers they found attractive.I can't afford to lose this job, as little as it pays, but I don't want to pretend I'm straight either. Does a company policy protect me even if state law does not, or is it thrown out the window because the state allows employer discrimination?

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