2017. augusztus 26., szombat

How to Talk to a Guy (Gay)

This is a dumb question because I know that there are no hard-and-fast answers, but one of my lifeline friends who I could talk to anything about is not available for almost 10 days. So I just am hoping for any advice or comfort.Fact about me: I'm a boy. And gay.So, I recently arrived at college. I'm about a week in. And there's this really cute guy who I saw on my first day, and I'm pretty sure he's gay just because of everything I've observed (but I'm not positive). And I really want to talk to him, even if it only leads to us being friends and nothing more.I'm pretty sure he lives in the dorms right around mine because I see him a lot walking around or in the dining hall sometimes and things like that. Just passing times.I'm an introvert. Extremely so. And I also have anxiety. I hate college life in general and it's not like me to just talk to someone out of the blue, especially someone who's cute and who I'm interested in.So, I guess my question is, how do I strike up a conversation with him? I only see him every now and again and I feel it would be too weird to say like "hey I've seen you around. What's your name?"I don't know. I hope you get the gist. I just want to know how (or if) I should approach him and if it's reasonable to assume that we could be friends.Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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