2017. augusztus 3., csütörtök

How to Make More Gay Friends

So I came out almost two years ago. It wasn't a super pleasant experience, but definitely the best thing I've ever done. I went from being a really repressed, depressed person to a happier, healthier version of myself. I've met a lot of great people in the gay community and have had a good time getting to them.But I've noticed most of them aren't in my immediate area and I don't talk to them very often. I'd like to, but the conversations never seem to last and I always end up being the last one saying something.Now don't get me wrong, I realize that not everyone is going to become the person you tell everything to and they most certainly don't have to be gay to be a good friend. But I almost never talk to my gay friends, close by or otherwise. Most of my close friends are straight.Am I doing something wrong? Should I be looking online to meet more gay people or going out? I used to be really shy and awkward but I've become a lot more outgoing and fun in the past few years, so it's not from lack of trying (from my admittedly very biased personal perspective, lol).What are your thoughts? It would certainly be nice to meet a gay someone who doesn't shy away from having a good, deep conversation every once in a while. :)

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