2017. augusztus 3., csütörtök

Going back into the closet.

Um... hi. I'm about to be a freshman in high school, come next September. I'm in a special program for kids that are "smarter" (I don't know how to describe it) than the rest. I've been in this program since 6th grade, and have been surrounded by them since 6th grade as well. 6th and 7th grade was amazing because I came across many great people that like the same things I do... but, then 8th grade came.You see in 8th grade, everyone gets this sort of pride in themselves because we're about to be highschoolers. But it's not in a good way. Everyone gets so full of themselves, and everyone wants to start getting petty and fight each other. And this is where my problem comes in...In the summer before 8th grade, I came out to a select few. It was at a birthday party and I slyly hinted at it. (But these people caught on. XD) After that I felt a huge weight lift off my chest because these were people I could trust. Come 8th grade, and they still know I'm gay. But... everyone then started to constantly blurt out my sexuality like I am completely fine with everyone knowing. So apparently, my entire class knew.I wasn't okay with this because if I wanted to tell them, they would've been told when I was going on a coming out spree. But anyway, over the course of the year I started to drift apart from everyone. Everyone started getting really unlikable, so I left them. My coming out didn't go anything as planned because these so-called, "friends" had to spill the beans for everything.So I dropped my "friends." But, that's where my problem is. I have to stay in the same program for the rest of highschool... with the same people. And due to the monstrosity of my coming out experience, I constantly wish I could start over. I know there isn't a way to completely start over, but I can kind of do that in college.Does anyone else wish they could go back into the closet? (Also I don't have to worry about people keeping the secret as well, because these people don't understand that you can just happily call me gay in public.)

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