2017. február 21., kedd

What should I do?

So I'm gay and there's this guy I like who tells people that he's straight but people still often wonder about him. He just kinda has a gay vibe to him. Even people who know him well are not quite sure. Lately he's been staring at me A LOT and sending other mixed signals like standing really close to me when talking to me, having really dilated eyes when talking to me, etc. The staring is the most omnipresent thing though and it's gotten to the point where other people have started to notice without me even having to bring him up. And sometimes when I catch his glance he looks away really quickly. The other night when we were alone I told him that I and others have noticed he's been staring at me a lot and I asked him if there was something going on that he wanted to tell me about. He acted surprised and shocked and said he didn't notice that he had been staring at me so much and said that he must just "zone out" a lot. After that he has practically avoided me and we haven't really talked since. Is he just too far in the closet to make a move/admit that he likes me or is there really nothing going on? Should I do something about it or just move on?

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