2017. február 20., hétfő

Should I move out

My best friend of 8 years told me she fancied me about 5 years ago on the night I came out to her. She had always told me she was gay/bi up to this point, although had had a long relationship with a guy (3 years). I had strong feelings for her but it was never my intention to tell her and potentially ruin our friendship . I was coming out so that I could be free and honest and find someone to start from scratch with.That same night we kissed for hours. 5 years on this continues to happen regularly (4 times a year) but we haven't moved on to a relationship since she still says she only wants a man? I find this so confusing. We live together as housemates but are basically like a couple in many respects. We both talk about our dreams which she says involves a man and a baby and mine would be too, as second best to her.I feel so foolish. I continue to let this happen and it really hurts to know it doesn't mean anything to her. Why does she do it time and time again (she always instigates, not me). Neither of us have properly dated anyone else since meeting each other.We never address this other side to our friendship except drunken conversations occasionally where she flits between saying she has no attraction to me or sometimes that she has never been as close to anyone as me before and she would be in a relationship with me but if it goes wrong, she will lose everything.I feel like I need to cut ties but I would miss the friendship.

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