2017. február 21., kedd

Sex vs Masterbation

I have a dilemma, my boyfriend developed sexual anxiety (self diagnosed) about 6 months back and since then it has been a struggle having any sort of sexual relationship with him. Instead of working through it, he just freezes up and doesn't want to do anything. We have nights where he gets through it but even though nights seem to be unenjoyable for him...this has really put my self-confidence in the shitter. We've been in a relationship over a year now and I am having a really hard time at this point not getting frustrated with it all. I just want to have enjoyable interactions.Well, he also informs me that he enjoys masterbating over having any sexual relations with me. Big blow to the heart strings. Everyone likes to masterbate, but to say you prefer it over sex? I just feel like, what the hell is he doing with me?I love this guy to pieces and have been working with this sexual anxiety for long time now and I just having a hard time seeing and end. I feel like it is all me, like I am the reason why he has anxiety? Did I change something for him to not want sex anymore?I have grown to get mad now anytime he mentions he masterbated...like not to sound crazy, but I think I am jealous of him masterbating. I'm jealous that it's so easy for him to do that, so easy for him to get off that way, but add me into the mix and it's a complete disaster.Has anyone else out there experienced this? Had any suggestions? I don't want to break up, but is there hope?

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