2017. február 19., vasárnap

Met someone at the bus stop, and I...

I'm 23 years old and just moved to Canada for study 2 months ago. I don't have many friends here and I never came out back in my home country (China). Only two of my Chinese friends know I'm gay.So here's the story.Four days ago, at 8pm.I was rushing to the bus stop as the transit app showed the next bus was coming in 5 minutes. When I arrived there, I saw a very cute and handsome Asian standing by the chair. I got a impulse to approach him. I tried to step closer and had a clearer look at him.And 3 buses just arrived at the moment, so he started to move towards them. I was hoping "plz get on the same bus of mine!" And he did! So I followed him and moved to the rear of the bus. He stood by the seat near the rear door, facing the rear. I chose to sit in front of him, and started to observed him. He and I, we looked into each other's eyes for 3 or 4 times. Each time I looked at him, he would stared me back and then I dodged his eye contact cuz I was shy.The bus kept moving, someone got off and he sat down close to the door. I then sat on the seat in his front.I tried to looked back several times to see his reaction, but it's too dark to see it clear. The bus passed my stop and I started to feel nervous, thinking when he would get off.4 stops after mine, he got off. And I kept a close pace to him. He quickly crossed the street and I could barely followed him. By the time we got to the other side, I approached him and said in a low voice:" hey! Excuse me!"He stoped and pull off his earphone and turned to me. I started the opening words I rehearsal on the bus for dozen times. "I am not trying to stalk you. I'm just wondering if I could have your phone number cuz I think I might have a crush on you." While I handed out my phone.He was so surprised and held my phone, inputting his number and said"how can you tell? What if I'm not gay?"I was shyly spinning on the feet and said"I just have a feeling and if you aren't, then I'll just run away..."He passed me my phone and I still want to continue the conversation. But he's hurry for home and before we departed, I tried to shake hand with him, he looked so nice and gently shook my hand for a few secs, and that's the best moment ever.So I took the same bus home and texted him, and continued the conversation on the phone. This is the first time I have done this, and I love it.Long story short: I met a guy at the bus stop and followed him on the bus. When we got off, I approached him and asked for his number, and he gave me.PS. The night after that day, we agreed to go home together. We sat and chatted on the sky train. He walked me home and kissed me goodnight.And the day before yesterday, we went for a movie and I watched lalaland for the second time. He held my hands for the whole movie. He drove me home and before I left, we made out a bit on his car.Looking forward to seeing him again : )

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