2017. február 18., szombat

Can anyone relate?

This is going to sound super creepy but please hear me out. I have been obsessing over a guy on Instagram for the longest time ever since I came across his profile. We have nothing in common, no mutual friends, or even live in the same city in fact he's probably 10 or 15 years older than I am. But the moment I saw his pictures I was fascinated with the guy and I have been doing nothing but daydreaming about living with him as a couple and do coupley things with him. I followed him and he followed me back and I tried talking to him but the moment he found out I was from a different city he stopped messaging me. I flew to his city over the summer and tried to ask him out on a date but got no response (I know... cringeworthy) but yeah. I don't understand how I can develop this kind of a feeling for someone just from pictures this quick. He just seems like the ideal guy and I am crazy for the dude. Anyone else with similar experiences? Is this normal? Weird?! Am I crazy?! Psychotic????!

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