2017. február 17., péntek

A story so terribly written, yet so beatiful

So summer 2016 i got a job at the deli at my local walmart, first day i had orientation and we had to do a walk around of the store and we each got set helping our new coworkers stock the isles, just so happens i got set on the isle with my not so soon to be boy friend. I saw him and the saftey lady told me to go ask him what i need to help him with. Then he turned around and we made eye contact and i have never seen a more beautiful man. Never. I was like okay sign me up what you need daddy i can help you whats your phone number. Of course it came out like voice crack swallows lump " so you help with what i... what do i do" and he just showed me to stock the noodles. Then he started talking to me and i was like wut why pretty man make conversation and my phone was broken at the time and pokemon go had first came out ( born in 97 of course i flipped over it and more the fact i didnt have a phone to play it on at the time) well anyway he asked me if i had played it yet and i said no but im dying to, and then he was like are you hungry and i said yes and he was like okay lets go and we went to the mcdonalds inside our store and he bought me a cheeseburger :) i even had the money for it but he insisted. Back then i wasnt openly into guys so i was a little confused at the signal. But anyway we then walked out side and played pokemon go for an hour untill they radiod asking where the hell we were lol and i jjst got so caught up in him everyday i came to work i just mentally undressed him and ugh i just wanted to see his butt outside of his manager appropriate pants. Well anyway nothing ever came of it and i ended ho quiting 4 months later because i was terribly depressed, i thought i had hiv and i had no one to tell because it was from my secrete rondevous with men from grindr cause thats how i ended up losing my virginity cause no girls would ever sleep with me cause they all thought i was gay, and i did actually have a girlfriend start of 2016 but that was when i was on a lot of drugs and so was she and she got sent to rehab in april 2016 ( still in rehab till may 2017) she told me before she left which all happened in one night it was terrible. Well anyway come september right after i quit my job my depression got so bad because i thought i had hiv and i thought i could have given it to the innocent girl and completely ruined her life let alone mine, just because i didnt say anything about who i had slept. Well anyway i decided to tell my bestfriend everything. And it all was just a huge mess for me. I got tested and i had nothing, months of depression and anxiety over nothing. But anyway since i came out to my bestfriend and a few other friends about being gay i decided to try and date a boy My age so my friends didnt find it weird cause i prefered guys 25-30ish, also when she had left for rehab i got my life straight quit all the drugs and promised myself i would never have sex with anyone i didnt know, for drugs, or with someone i didnt love. And i lasted untill october 2016 after i had been talking to this boy for an entire month and he completely broke my heart, he did nothing but lie about everything. His roomate was his freaking boyfriend. Well i got really heart broken over that and i shut my self off again. Then one day in mid december i got on grindr for what ever reason and i just downloaded it so i had to sign in blah blah blah. Anyway months had gone by since i had seen the pretty man that was my boss, the app opens and loads and literally the first face i see is that fucking man standing on that isle that day and i couldnt believe it. I had no clue he was gay. No clue. I flipped out and messaged him flipping out saying do you remember me omg and he did!!! Little did i know when i was day dreaming about unbuttoning his shirt and pants he had already had me stripped in his mind. I was flabergasted. Anyway he had switched to over nights and so he was at work while he was messaging me that friday night and we had made plans to hang out the coming weekend when he didnt have to work so i went to his house the saturday night and literally disappeared off the map i dont think we ever stopped having sex and i was at his house saturday around 5pm till the following tuesday and i was like god damn who are you and we ended up deciding to be fwb cause he didnt want to hurt me and he wanted to keep things simple. And with the bomb ass dick like that i had to agree, as long as it was in my face id be happy lol. After like 3 days of seeing him i wanted to marry him of course but since we had set those boundries i limited my self on my emotions with him, we set it to were we werent emotionally attached so neither of us got hurt and i saw the point i understood he was way out of my league, he was my old boss for christ sake. So i decided id play hard to get and keep him missing me and after about 2 months he was like idk about being fwb and i got so scared when i got that text, then he was like ive been thinking and i want to see where things could go and he asked me to be his valentine ( first valentine EVER) it was amazing ugh hes my boyfriend now and i get to have the best makeout sessions and all this cute shit im so fucking happy its gr8 goodnight this story is terrible but im so glad i wake up in the man i get to call mines bed ( i dont live with him or anything but waking up in his bed cuddled with him is my happy place)

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