2016. május 20., péntek

Starting a Queer radio show. Join me?

Hello, I'm Chloe. I'm a 33 year old pansexual woman who also just happens to be transgender. I'm trying to start a non profit radio show for queer people. (although for now it doesn't officially have that status until i can afford to do all the paperwork and stuff) I'm wanting to make it an international show for both america but with a focus on other nations too, giving them community in places where it may be dangerous to do so, taking advantage of SW radios radical christian missionary organizations pass out to places they visit. I feel we can offer information on asulumn, give a relatively safe form of community (radio listening can't be tracked), a requiem from the stress of being in such a situation, digital communications in the form of one way text and image transmissions, and of course include our own first world culture, fighting back against bigoted politics and radio stations by claiming our place on the airwaves. Radio is a powerful medium because it can not be tracked, filtered, or blocked. Once the signal starts as they say in the movie "Serinity" "you can't stop the signal" please have a look at my indiegogo. The transmitter cost for our first month is $200 dollars ($50 per show) american for a one hour show every week. With time we may get better rates even. I need at least a month worth of funding before I'll start this. I CAN make this happen, and I can make this a quality show. Here is the link to the indiegogo http://ift.tt/20gbMDy

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