2016. május 27., péntek

Honest Questions on Homosexuality

I have been questioning my sexuality over the past few years. Even though I can't say definitively that I am gay; I don't consider myself straight in the usual sense of the word. That is beside the point though. When I started questioning myself it made me really stop and think about homosexuality and how it pertains to humans. While I do not think that it is a choice, I am highly skeptical that it is entirely biological in nature. I have also come to wonder if it might be a defect. If only because those people would not be likely to pass their genes on and continue their genetic legacy. Additionally, that fact that any health risks related to sexual encounters are much higher with same-sex than opposite sex. Although I do not believe that being gay is a conscious choice people make, I do wonder if it is subconscious choice that is out of a person's control. I should also clarify that I grew up a protestant Christian, so some of these queries could be coming from my upbringing. I'm a bit of an over thinker, but I can't imagine I'm the only one who has ever had these questions. If anyone has any input, personal experience, scientific knowledge, etc. please share it with me. I am genuinely curious and only ever seem to find perspectives from Christian doctors and scientists, and I cannot trust those to be unbiased. Thanks for reading. Cheers.

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