2016. május 29., vasárnap

Saying "Hi" when you're kissing someone

A little drunk and I'm not doing a My Drunk Gay Talk video this week since I'm on vacation... anywayDoes anyone else randomly say "Hi" while kissing a dude? Everytime I kiss this dude there gets to be a point where we just stop for a second and I'll look at his amazing eyes and just say "Hi." Then he says "hi" back we both laugh and then kiss again.This sequence just makes me feel so good. I guess it's just like a confirmation that it's just equally incredibly fun for both of us to be with each other. I don't know. Me is happy.Anyone else have cute shit like this that they do with each other?...Shit, man. I'm gonna miss him while I'm away.^ that's the gayest thing I've ever said

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