2016. május 30., hétfő

I need help with my mom. She thinks im a pedophile, im not.

Im 21, Im gay, i live with my mother since 3 years by now, and since 2 years she knows im gay. I've had 2 relationships in my life and she has knew the boys i've been with. when i was 19, i was with a 16yo boy (its legal in my country, and his whole family knew), and after that when i was 21, i was with a 19yo guy. And due to that she knows that im into younger than me guys.Im not openly gay to everybody, my close friends know it, my parents, uncles and aunts know, but not my cousins or my classmates or neighbors. They havent seen me with a girl or a boy. So im more like a nerdy one. This is not important btw.The problem is that recently i joined a social group near here. Where most young neighbors go to. I met some guys (2 17yo and 1 14yo) that i knew but i didnt had any chat with. So lately we were fooling around and doing random shit with a online game. The problem is that my mother noticed this, and she got worried and upset because "im into younger ones" and she doesnt want to have any troubles with her neighbor friends... "those kids are good kids" (i dont even know what she meant with that)Im not sexually interested in any of them, even if they were gay. The age gap is too large i dont see a relationship working over there. And im not into "quick stuff" if you know what i mean. I just want to have some people to fool around close my area.I've told her that im not into them but she doesnt understand because she's the overprotective type of mother, i know she wont care what i say, she will say no.Should i get away from them to avoid more problems?Should i confront my mother?What should i do?Moving away is not an option.My mom is ok with me being gay, once she even let my boyfriend stay in my room. So its not that.

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