2016. május 27., péntek

How can I advance this relationship in a cute way?

Alright, so I've got a bit of an interesting situation here. Basically I've met this guy who's been very sweet to me over the past 5 months, and recently there has been a kind of push from his side to get just a little closer, while at the same time a sort of uneasiness or apprehensiveness (If I had to describe the feelings I pick up on). When I see him, especially recently, there is usually a lot of cuddling, and the likes, but it hardly goes farther from that.Basically what I'm trying to get at here is I am pretty interested in furthering what we have into closer relationship territory, and I know the best way I can do that is just talk with him, but I'd like to try and segue into that conversation somehow, preferably during our period of cuddles and etc.However it sounds, I'm basically interested in ways to, in a kind of cute way, drop some hints that I'm interested in progressing, without dropping the ball too hard. Possibly in a way that leads to conversation and further discussion.

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