2016. május 30., hétfő

What are the odds of this happening?

Hello r/Gay!So, I'm 16 and gay, i often hang out with an 8 people friend group, who are the only people that know I'm gay, and I love one of the boys, he kind of knows, but we've never talked about it, all other 7 know it, and it's SUPER obvious, since I often stare at him on the distance and he has noticed on some ocassions, but never said a word to stop this. Unlike the other boys in our friend group, he doesn't act the same way they do, and kind of reminds me of myself when I hadn't told anyone about being gay. I'm not saying I know for sure he is gay, and not going to ask him.Last week, i "casually" looked at him, and he was staring at me! I was blown away so I didn't know what to think and I stared at him too. We stared at each other for like 20 seconds and then wondered away.The day of my birthday, he was the ONLY onw who hugged me, not even girls, and honestly, best hug ever.I really love him, and, as I said, he kind of knows that, but I have never told him because I don't want to ruin aything. I have instead been waiting for him to do something else that makes me want to know he likes me back or something.Do you think this could work at all? If so, what do I do? I'm so new at this whole love thing (never had a GF,BF or kissed anyone, never loved anyone else) so all help appreciated. Thank you!

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