2016. május 20., péntek

[23M] I want to out myself after lying to myself and others for years, but I'm scared

Hey,Well, my situation is a bit different than most people. I live in West-Europe and being gay is quite accepted here. But the thing is: I've been raised by my mother, my father is bisexual too.My mother didn't know my father was bisexual (I've never met him myself), but he cheated on her with a man (during a time being gay wasn't really socially accepted). After that, he did a lot of bad things (even went to prison) and he constantly switched having a relationship with both men and women. My mother hates him now.I've also had very close contact with some very religious people during my youth (yes, that still exists in Europe) who were very homophobic. They're quite good people, but completely brainwashed. Because of the story of my father and because of these constant anti-gay comments I've had to hear, I've been homophobic myself.When I became older, I realised I like guys, but it took me years to accept it. I'm 100% pro-LGBT rights and I always accept LGBT people, but inside of me there's still a voice telling me I'm not normal, even though I realise that's not rational.I'm done living a lie and want to out myself, starting with my mother. I know she'll accept me, but she will be hugely disappointed. I'm really scared to tell her, but I'll feel like a disappointment to her because of her experience with my father. I'm sure she hopes I'm not like him... Has anyone here ever been in a similar situation?Another problem I have is that I don't know whether to out myself as gay or bisexual. I'm fully sure I'm bisexual (I've been in love with a girl before), but only very few girls interest me: I think about 90% of the people I find attractive are boys and only 10% are girls. Are there other bisexuals here in this situation who outed themselves as gay?I don't want my family to have wrong expectations: I don't want them to hope I'll get into a relationship with a girl as that's really unlikely. If I tell people I'm bisexual, they'll most likely think it's 50/50 and I really don't want to try to explain to them I'm more into men than women.And I'm so scared to lose friends...Does anyone here have been in a a similar situation?

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