2015. október 11., vasárnap

To Come Out or Not

So I am trying to figure out if it is the right time to come out to my parents. I am 20 andMy parents divorced 3 years ago and I live with my mom, they arent a conservative family but my dad's side is a bit religious. I have a great uncle that is gay and both my mom and dad are accepting of him and his partner. He waited for his parents to die to come out to the family which I really dont want to do of course. My mom keeps telling me that she wants me to be happy but to do so I need to love a women and get a girlfriend, I have a feeling that she already knows but I am worried of the consequences of confirming her suspicion. My dad I feel like would be cool with it because of his uncle but at the same time I am his son (only child) and that could be a huge letdown. I feel like in order to be able to date freely and be who I want to be they have to know. I feel like they would accept me but at the same time I dont want it to blow up in my face.Thanks in advance.

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