2015. október 3., szombat

Realized I was gay at 25, just confused.

First post here, not sure it will be brief. Just need to make sense of some things.So, I found out I was gay at 25. Everyone who my mom tells says that's weird, because I was married and everything. I just had never really allowed myself to think about my sexuality. I actually think I'm bisexual, because I don't find women disgusting. But maybe that's just my own ignorance.Anyway, I got divorced last year, and began looking at men and women on okcupid. I found someone I really liked, and he liked that I was masculine (I think Trade is the term?) and we hit it off well.Anyway, fast forward to now, and he accidentally got me interested in drag and makeup. I'm actually looking to get my cosmetology degree soon, I would love to be a hairdresser. However, we had a falling out After that. He said he could be my friend, but not my partner.And it just feels weird. Because I'm still the same person. I just like different things. I still like Saints Row, but I also love Drag Race.Is this normal? Is it something I'm just going to have to deal with, looking like a masculine man? I just don't understand how that works. And maybe it's just a people thing. He can't change what he's attracted to, and I in no way blame him. I'm just confused.

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