2015. október 6., kedd

[20M]My girlfriend[20F] came out to me last night and i need advice

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this if not could i be directed to the corrected pages. Thank youSo a few months ago my girlfriend of three years told me she was bisexual. She told me all of her life she has felt different and shes known she was different from everybody else. She was scared this would push me away but I understand that being bisexual doesn't mean you're not monogamous it means you have a larger pool of people you could be with.A few days ago she tells me she had a lot on her mind, she kept saying she is confused and she doesn't know how to say it or how to feel. I assured her to take her time and talk to me when she was absolutely ready. Last night we were texting as we are LDR at the moment. She tells me shes always been confused about herself and shes always just wanted to fit in. That is when she told me shes gay.I assured her that everyone who she is worried will care, loves her and will not think any different of her. She told me she still loves me but she wants the best for me. she wants me to be with an amazing girl and have a great relationship she said she wants the same for herself. I can't imagine the pressure shes been feeling all of her life.The advice i'm asking for is how can i support her? what can i do to make her not feel so worried about her family or anyone else? I really do love her and care for her. I'm not angry or upset with her. I'm happy that i could the person she could turn to. I'm just not sure how i can be the person who helps her out while not letting the idea that we're never going have the completely same relationship get to me. Thank You

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