2018. április 1., vasárnap

This is probably the only place where I can actually ask this question.

Sup /r/gay!I have a lot of interest in psychology, but I have this question regarding genetics surrounding homosexuality that I just can't find an answer to that's not ridden with politics. I have tried /r/askscience and stuff but the mods keep making ridiculous excuses for removing my posts because, well, it's not pc anymore to apply science to sensetive subjects :(However in my experience talking to a fair share of gay people, the people most open and most mature about homosexuality are gay people themselves, and I have had many amazing conversations about it with gay friends. So I figured this is probably the best place to actually get a scientific answer to this question.Is homosexuality genetic, and what evidence do we have? I don't care either way on a social level cause it isn't my business plus love is love, who cares. I'm just very interested in the science behind the phenomenon because as I said psychology is one of my hobbies and I think it's a very interesting topic.

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