2018. április 1., vasárnap

First post. Coworker shared her true colors and now I feel like I have to be back in the closet.

Hi all! This is such a minor thing that I kinda feel silly for posting, but I just need to vent about it.I’m a CNA and I just started a new job. At this point, I’m just starting to get to know my coworkers. Somehow, we got onto the conversation about patients that you “just can’t deal with.” Everybody has a breaking point, even medical professionals. For some people it’s vomit, for others it’s needles, and for me it’s skin rashes.Anyway, we’re all talking about those situations with patients that just make your skin crawl, and one of my coworkers chimes in - “I can’t deal with gay people. If one of my patients is gay, I’m gonna need to switch assignments.”She goes on to say: “It’s not that I have a problem with gay people, but...”. Well, you can guess how the conversation went after that. “It’s not natural, it’s not what God intended, being gay is actually a choice that ‘they’ make, they grew up around the ‘wrong people’, etc.”Yeah. We’ve all heard it a million times. Nothing better than a straight person trying to explain the gay experience to me! Eventually I couldn’t hold it in anymore, and I asked her, “so at what age did you ‘decide’ to be straight?” Well that pretty much shut her up.I’m not really “out” to my coworkers. I don’t bring up my sexuality, but not because I’m ashamed or anything like that. It’s just not really something I feel like I need to disclose. If anybody ever asks, I have no problem saying, “yeah, I’m engaged to a man but I’m attracted to both men and women.” But now, since this woman is obviously homophobic, I feel like I’m trapped in the closet again.I suppose I could talk to her about it privately, and explain to her why it was hurtful, but it just feels like it’s not even worth it. People like that already have their minds made up, and nothing is gonna change that. And I agree with her to a certain extent - if she’s incapable of providing top-notch care to someone because of their sexual orientation, it’s a good thing that she asks to be reassigned. It ensures the safety and dignity of the patient. At least she has the wherewithal to realize that her bias might hurt that patient. I do give her mucho credit for that.Idk. Like I said, I don’t even really know why I’m posting this. I guess I just needed a place to vent :/

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