2018. április 1., vasárnap

Dating again.... Forgot how though

So I haven't dated for years. I live in a reasonably sized town with seemingly no real gay community. Due to family commitments I can't just move to a capital (not that I really want to). I met my last boyfriend on the old Aussie gaydar site and we clicked right away - no slow dating just straight into it. It worked too. Till life got in the way and he died. Now I find myself wanting to get back out there- but probably overthink things. Had coffee with this guy I like. Always had an inkling he was gay, but never really spoke to him (silly anxiety). Out of the blue I get a message from him and he asks if he knows me. I say we've never been introduced andhe keeps chatting. Tells me I'm hot (I smile) and would like to go for coffee. We meet, I really like him. He works full time, so do I. So I understand time is often a premium. Sorry, I ramble sometimes. My point - do I play it cool? Do I throw myself at him? Stupid anxious brain keeps thinking if I text too much I'll ruin the possibility. You'll probably notice I'm a chronic overthinker. Maybe I'm really asking for a set of rules to obey - but there really aren't any are they? Any insight would be really appreciated - I get so stuck in my head sometimes that I miss out on opportunities. Thanks

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