2018. február 23., péntek


I'm a teenager and I'm very confuse with my sexuality. I like females. But for some reason whenever I read about gay couples or gay stories it fills me with a kind of happiness idk how to describe it. I just feel a want for something like that. But then whenever I think of myself kissing a guy it gives me the feeling of when I was little and imagined kissing a girl... like icky I guess? I have never really done anything much with either gender so I have nothing to go off of. I have been to a gay rally in Vancouver and it was so cool to be seeing how accepting everybody is; a lot different to my chavy school where gay is an insult and you get beat up if you question why.Maybe this is a thing that will come to me as a progress through puberty. Be glad to hear from any people who relate to this and can help me come to my own decision!

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