2018. február 17., szombat

Taking Things Slow

Hi,I'm sorry if I sound like I'm generalizing, but just know that I know that not everyone in a community is the same; I'm speaking about what I've observed in general from where I'm from. I just want to get others' opinions on how "immediate" a lot of gay men are and how things are from your perspective and location.I'll be honest, I'm a poor social networker and my only experience with meeting gay men is from Grindr. But, I find Grindr unbearable sometimes when trying to find anything meaningful. It's all just too fast on there. Men can be absurdly sweet, but just don't wish to seek anything under the surface. Whenever I think I could have something meaningful with someone on there, they're trying to kiss me right after our first date and that doesn't leave me with the best feeling. I also notice a ton of guys are looking for friends, but when I want to be their friend, they're totally up for being my friend until I don't reciprocate their sexual advances. I'm not averse to being in a relationship either, but these guys just go about it completely opposite to me; for me, it's the mind>flesh rather than the flesh>mind. Don't get me wrong, the flesh can be very nice, but a little composure goes a long way. I want to ditch it, but it's just such a good source for captivation honestly. Lol.I'm not sure what to do to meet gay friends to relate to and whatnot. I live in the San Francisco area. I'm 19 but not a bar/club person, so I basically have access to everything I would enjoy doing. But, what is there? Should I just loiter around the Castro? I'm not sure.I just get lonely. Do you guys join clubs and stuff? I'm sort of intimidated by clubs oriented around LGBT members. And I'm not averse to having non-gay friends, I just have the opportunity to have gay friends to relate with and want to make these potential friendships possible. I think I spend too much time on gay apps and need to go out somewhere.

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