2018. február 17., szombat

Can't we just be alone?! (Relationship advice needed)

I've been dating a really fantastic guy about three months now. I'd say it's going well. We have tons in common, and the things we don't, we respect. Great company, great chemistry, great sex. He's basically great. LOL!The problem is that I just got a new job that has me working out of my home, whereas I used to work from home. This means we can't see each other as frequently as we used to. So, when I finally get some time off for us to be together...he invites his daughter (19).Don't get me wrong. His daughter is super cool and I adore her. But my boyfriend and I so rarely get to be alone these days because he's always inviting her over when he invites me. The next time I stay over, I will have just come off an 11 hour shift and will simply just want to crawl into bed with my boyfriend and do what grown men do. But that will be impeded by his daughter being there.He loves his kids and he does right by them. I admire that so much as a parent myself. But how can I let him know that I'd like to spend some time with just him without making it seem as though I hate his daughter?

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