2017. február 18., szombat

This post may be offensive, but...

WARNING: This post may be offensive. If you don't want to be offended, don't read it. If you do and are offended, I could give a rats ass.I don't understand the gay community. I am gay, but I'm not in that group. I don't want to be part of the stigma. To the LGBT community within the stigma, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I never once have seen, heard, read about substance abuse and other disgusting, dirty, shameful acts than in the LGBT community... Acts happening today that are the exact same reason we were never accepted in the '80s. Acts that lead to the HIV epidemic, to the fear the general public had against us, to the social discrimination that was based off the dirty, nasty stigma that created this whole mess.Do you think the heroin epidemic is bad right now? That's nothing in the gay world. In the gay world, these drugs - especially extreme uppers - are normal. These drugs are practiced regularly like it's no big deal, and you know what? It isn't a big deal in your mind when you're on them - your inhibitions are completely gone. You'll have sex with anyone and everyone you possibly can when you're on such taboo of a drug, especially if they are on the same drug. You won't care if you've done sex safely or not because you likely won't remember that far into detail by the time morning arrives... Or evening. This is based how fucking long you've been up on the shit.It's already bad enough in the gay world practically everyone knows everyone, and adding the hardcore substance abuse and hooking up all the time any time every time day and night is NOT COOL.I am not in one way surprised that the LGBT community is still having struggles with discrimination and trying to fit into society. The way we have been acting is completely unsafe and often incites violence (when very bad people get a hold of very bad drugs).It's time to #FightTheStigma, #ComeCleanBeClean, and be #DDF4L!

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