2017. február 23., csütörtök

Straight guy here, made out with a gay guy tonight - what do I do

Disclaimer: I apologize greatly if this post is insensitive. I am trying to be as honest as possible and I don't at all mean to offend anyone in anyway. With that in mind, here is what happened. I will try to be as concise as possible.I am a straight man. I am very comfortable with my sexuality - almost to the point where a lot of people (even gay guys) think I am gay. I went out for drinks tonight and I got very drunk. I ended up talking to a guy tonight that happened to be gay. I am extremely friendly/affectionate when I'm drunk. I don't remember what happened exactly, but we started talking and vibing and it got to a point where we made out. Like I said, I'm comfortable with my sexuality and yeah I'll make out with a random guy for the fuck of it. Why not. I'll give him tongue too, who cares. But he seemed to want more. The guy did not seem to be openly gay. I could tell that he was actually gay and wanted to make out more with me. I don't mean to brag or be conceited, but I am very attractive, humorous, and good at making conversation. Anyways, he was extremely aggressive in wanting to make out with me more. I kept conveying no, but I was sensing from his reactions that he thought that I was closet gay and didn't realize ir or something. Anyways, it ended up with him asking me for my number and I gave it to him out of friendliness. We talked a bit more and we ended our interaction with a hug.Later, he texted me, "hey, wya." There were also a couple missed calls from that number. I responded, "hey man." After that, I planned to say something along the lines of "hey man, I'm legitimately not gay. I'm sorry I may have done things to make you think otherwise." But before I got a chance to text the second part, my friend grabbed my phone out of my hand and deleted his number along with the texts. As a result, all he saw was, "hey man." I forgot what he responded with (I seemed to ignore it), but he ended up saying, "I got your number anyway haha."I had no idea what that meant so I called him. I tried my best (despite my absolute drunkness) to explain - something along the lines of: "hey, I'm legitimately not gay. I'm just comfortable with my sexuality and I'm just really open when I'm drunk. I know we made out and that was chill as fuck but I just don't see it in that way. I'm really, really sorry. You have a good one bro."After that conversation, we texted a bit more. It ended with an exchange of "good nights." The conversation seemed to end on a rather plantonic note, but I'm still a bit paranoid.Takeaway? The guy was really, really aggressive during our interaction in person. I had said "no" a couple times and he still kept insisting that I "come with him" and stuff like that. I was taller than him and likely stronger than him physically, but he was still very, very persistent.So: I'm extremely sorry if this is offensive - but is there anything I need to worry about? He has my number, and, given his extreme aggression and my experience with gay friends' tendency to think I am gay and/or try to get with me, I am a little bit paranoid.I appreciate any advice. If you find this offensive in any way at all, please feel free to leave a comment or PM me. I am more and happy to correct my behavior.Thanks a lot in advance!Edit: Since I have made this post, he face timed me. I accepted his call out of courtesy. Right off the bat, I literally said, "hey what's up man. Look, I'm legitimately not..." He kept saying "let me see it" (it obviously being my dick) and "I'm so horny", to which I kept responding "dude I'm sorry, I'm legitimately not comfortable with doing that, I hope you respect that." After a couple rounds of that, I started saying "hey I really gotta go to sleep - I have a midterm tomorrow (I do)" and he kept brushing it off. I don't know what else I could say to him to let him know that I'm not interested in pursuing anything with him at all whatsoever - even friendship, honestly. It's fucking weird - he's so persistent. I ultimately just bruceforce ended the conversation but I still feel a bit uneasy. In light of these new facts, is there anything I need to do/worry about?Edit 2: I am more than willing to send screenshots of our text convo and any more info regarding our phone call and/or Facetime conversation if it helps your analysis. Thank you so much.

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