2017. február 19., vasárnap

Sexuality fluidity

Is sexuality really fluid? Like can it move? Say I'm a scale of 1-100, can it move between numbers?Anyone have experience with this? Im currently confused because growing up I always hid I was gay, but got crushes on girls (thought maybe society conditioned me to) but felt sexually attracted to guys. I still find myself wanting a relationship with a girl even tho I accepted and openly admit I'm gay. Now I'm dating a girl and a guy. And I am able to picture myself having sex with a girl and being turned on by her.I've had sex with both guys and girls equal amounts but both were equally unpleasant and I have been remaining celibate.I have plenty of experience but I'm still unable to pinpoint 100% where I am, and I don't know if I should keep my options open to girls or not in fear of hurting them.

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