2017. február 18., szombat

Am I gay/bi/demisexual?!

Okay so i thought I was gay.. I've identified as gay for a few years now. Had gay encounters but I always came out unsatisfied and didn't enjoy the experience.. I've not enjoyed one sexual experience with a guy, and all of these guys I've not developed strong feelings for.I have fell in love with a guy, but only one. And it made me emotionally crazy and everything. So attracted to him after that. But now that I'm getting over him I don't really enjoy imagining us having sex together.I've fell in love with at least one girl. And we kissed and there was a spark (we were friends/together/ on and off for about 7 years from 7th grade to sophomore year of college). I'm 21 almost 22 now. I've dated several girls and always had the best time dating them - I've never had fun dating a guy.. there's just no pizazz I guess, only sexually. Except for this one guy I am/have been in love with (but that's over now and he broke my heart).Currently am dating a guy who I find aesthetically cute, and he's sweet. We relate and we make each other feel better because we both deal with mental health problems. But I don't want to have sex with him.. yet anyway. I also went on a date and began talking to this girl who is awesome and accepting of everything I'm going through, we hit it off and just kinda feel the same. She's bisexual and has dated trans even. I want to continue things with her but I've warned her I may be a lot of confusion. I'm very open with what I'm dealing with so everyone is prepared. I've been thinking about her, more so than the guy. I also want kids now and want to have a family. I am just afraid of the future sex life.Recently I had sex with my best friend who was a girl and I was drunk, I don't know how I got it up and could finish. I don't have strong feelings for her or a desire for her like that - but we are friends and there are things about her I do like.Experience wise I've been with both girls and guys the same. Never have been fully satisfied. But I can tolerate girls just don't enjoy to the extent of guys.What should I do? Continue exploring myself? Confused.I am starting to think I'm demisexual and what to pursue life as that. I really enjoy bonding with who people are on a deeper level.I feel like the girl would bring me more happiness than the guy. But I don't know if I'd be sexually satisfied. At this point I honestly don't care if I'm satisfied, I just want my partner to be. With the girl or guy, I'm willing to let them venture their sexuality as well with or without me.Idk.. just need some perspective...

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