2017. február 2., csütörtök

[Advice] My twin brother.

So I'm 14 and came out as gay about 3 months ago, My parent's didn't exactly take it well and did the whole "you're too young to know" thing...It didn't upset me too much and we have just kinda not talked about it since.The day after I came out to my family my twin brother told me in secret that he likes boys as well...He told me that he's never going to come out to my parents because of how they will react that both of us are gay :(I've tried to talk to him a few times and he still feels the same way which makes me feel kind of shit and guilty because it's as if he can't come out because of me. I'm really close to him and we are best friends so I can tell hes been really unhappy for a while and I've seen him hurt himself in the past and I'm really worried he will do it again.Does anyone have any advice about how I could make him feel happier about himself? I don't really want to get my parents involved because they aren't accepting and it could make things worse.Thanks :)

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