2016. április 3., vasárnap

Yesterday's Lunch Today...

This has been an interesting week in my world. The stars must be aligned in such a manner that some type of retrograde is causing reflection in the world. I have been blessed with the opportunity to talk with a few of my ex’s this week. Tonight in particular, in a conversation with one of my ex’s, we discussed our individual dating worlds. In particular, we talked about those guys we came into contact with who we really liked but had a lukewarm reception with. Regardless of the side of the lukewarm reception it made me ponder, can we microwave a lukewarm relationship into piping hot?I have met some great guys and have had some great receptions on both sides of the issue, yet something can stand in the way. I have examined the principle of “I’m into you but you’re not into me” and vice versa a number of times after meeting new guys who fit a romantic interest. One guy in particular seems to come to mind. I guess the reason is because I thought he was the “Full Meal Deal”. Tallen has it all. He is kind and considerate, handsome and sweet. I mean the guy has it all going for him, not to mention he is pretty damn sexy. What Tallen doesn’t have is the desire, the heat or the passion. For whatever the reason, it’s just not there.Whether it is to protect my ego or to make excuses for him, I could take the time and come up with a thousand excuses. Now I do know that timing is key and he could be ready tomorrow where he wasn’t today. But seriously, how likely is that to happen? Knowing myself, I choose to call a spade a spade. It may be my personality, it maybe the way I was raised, but I have never been able to fake it. I can’t fake interest and I can’t fake disinterest. Without wearing my heart on my sleeve, someone can tell fairly easy if I am interested or if I’m not.The one thing that I noticed with Tallen after a short time is that he has perfected one player principle. He knows what to do and when to do it to keep himself in my good graces and out of trouble… so he thinks. Now, I am not saying that Tallen is a player. I would not want to be that bold. I have to give him some credit along the way. It could be a self-preservation response or it could be ah hummm… let’s kick the tires shopper mentality. Either way, perception from his actions as well as my feelings for Tallen are somewhat luke warm.Anyone outside the Tallen Island would say move on and move on quickly. Yet there is something there that leaves a question to be answered, a thought to be completed, or a judgment call to be challenged. Is it possible to microwave my communications with Tallen and make them piping hot? Can someone take something known as an out-of-hand “Get to Know Ya phase” that moves at a snails pace and infuse some heat?The advice that I would give any of my friends in this type of situation is the same. If there’s no desire to see you, to talk to you on a over-inflated basis or the can’t wait to kiss you, it’s time to realize that life is too short for a long goodbye. What is warm is warm and what is hot is hot. Simply stated the ol’ adage “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” is a perfect example for Tallen. No matter who you are, how busy you are, or what life drama is thrown your way, the fact remains that there are 24 hours in each day and there is always time for a 2 minute call somewhere along your way.So I guess the answer is clear in Tallen case at least. Last night’s dinner was great at the restaurant but somehow I feel that the reheated leftovers will leave something to be desired.

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