2016. április 30., szombat

I am scared and could need some kind words, help or advice.

So. I am 22 years old and... I don't feel like I fit in the heterosexuality for a few years now. I feel like... well, not really bisexual. I looked it up what could fit best for me and found Demisexuality(Explanation: Someone who identifies as Demisexual, does not experience sexual attraction until they form a strong emotional connection with someone. While this can occur in a romantic relationship, this is not always the case.In general, demisexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone of any gender, unless an emotional connected to someone else, when they ma experiences sexual attraction and desire, but only towards the specific partner/s.This doesn't mean that someone who is Demisexual will not have sex, however, as sexual attraction does not equal the desire for sex. )But with about 19 years I also found out that I don't really feel like a normal male sometimes. Best guess would be that I feel genderfluid.The thing that scares me right now is, that I think about my sexuality really much the last few weeks. And I really don't know how I should deal with it.Every kind of help or any kind of advice will be appreciated. Thank you.This is not a throwaway. If friends of mine read this. Feel free to talk to me about it or don't bother me with hate.

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