2016. április 26., kedd

What do you think.

Ok so I need some advise. I have been with my boyfriend for around 6 years. I've always been happy with him and have always been one to do things his way. I don't know what to think I've been with him so long that if we end it or even think of ending it he always threats with going home to his parents so yes he lives with me I pay bills and everything. He contributes when needed so he's like my emergency net. Lately though I've noticing that I am a bitch pardon me for language. I mean he does things that make me mad like not watching feeding or take care of the pets. Won't cook clean or help. Gets on bed and just wants to be attended hand and foot while I'm working. I feel as though I am just looking at it from my side of things and I'm a bad person for the thoughts I have.Furthermore my parent says I don't look happy. That I should get rid of him that he's not a help so yes they know and honestly don't care just want me to be happy. Anyways others have told me the same. When I met him he was hard working had aspirations and dreams which have all dwindled granted to followed me when I moved but we ended up coming back because he didn't like the new location it was for work better pay and hours. He attributes that to me being with him that the dominos would not have fallen in place if I was not with him. I really love him he says he loves me but doesn't show it doesn't help doesn't want to do anything and I feel trapped.So /gay this is my first post ever let me know what you think.

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