2016. április 25., hétfő

Relationships with a closeted guy, please help.

So I posted here not so long ago and received some good advice, thank you for all who helped. I'm in a bit of a dilemma and would appreciate another helping hand.Long story short, I started dating a guy who is 15 years older than me (he's 37 and i'm 22), we will call him John. Originally I was taken back when I found out that his kids are 19 and 17, relatively close to my age. He was recently divorced from his wife and had just started exploring the gay scene when I had met him. I didn't expect him to come out anytime soon but as his boyfriend i'm not too sure how to feel about this.Things have been moving fairly quick for us. Recently I had trouble with my landlord and decided to move out, I was going to move in with my dad who is about a 30 minute drive away until I found a new place. John insisted on me staying with him instead so we've been living together for about a week now. I told him I would try to find a place soon but he's been hinting for me to just stay. I've also introduced him to a few of my friends already and they seem to like him.My trouble is this hasn't been really returned. I don't think he's going to come out anytime soon. Coming out to his family is going to be really difficult, on top of that he works in construction so I feel if his friends there find out it's still going to make for a bad environment. The only other friends he really has are guys he was in the military with and he laughed at the notion of telling them.So what do I do? Do I just ride it out and see where it goes or maybe move on? He's everything i like physically and his personality clicks well with mine, things just feel right with him. I really like him but I want a boyfriend who I can show off and vice versa. Have any of you had a similar experience? Thank you for reading this and any advice is appreciated.

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