2016. április 23., szombat

Getting attached

I need a bit of help/advice. I've been trying to avoid/ignore the fact that I might be developing a bit of a crush on a guy. Problem is he still loves/cares about his ex(very recent), who's also someone I know and someone we'll both be working with in the next couple of month. I do worry about him since his recent break up is hitting him hard but I'm stuck seeing this feeling as something like a friend and something more. Mostly been trying to ignore the feeling that I might be attracted to him. Whats worse is I'm a bit afraid ,not only because he still has feeling for his ex but also because I might ty have come off as homophobic something/denying that being gay was a thing.Tldr; Its fucking complicated and I'm choosing to just ignore my feelings but still supporting the guy somehow (despite my social tendencies Lol)

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