2016. április 30., szombat

Any advice about sort-of rejection?

Ok, so basically I met this guy that I have always sort of like a while ago now, and he doesn't know I am gay ( I have told quite a lot of friends though now). We get on quite well, and recently we have been seeing quite a bit more of each other. In this time, he has been acting more affectionate around me (you know, more touching in a somewhat 'I like you' way) and even though I know it is wrong to stereotype, he seems... quite gay. However, I basically have seen through the joy of social media that he is now going out with this girl that he met about a year ago, even though he has not officially said anything about it. I sort of did feel at the time like he was leading me on to something, and I, as a first year student at Uni was hoping that after the exams this summer that I might advance with him. I feel pretty gutted about it now and just really depressed and I don't really want to talk to many of my friends about it, as I feel they might just say: 'move on' or 'get over it' as it didn't ever become a relationship. If anyone has sort of any advice about how to overcome these annoying depressed feelings from a situation like this, it would be much appreciated.

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