2016. április 23., szombat

When People Say "Gay" When They Actually Mean "Flamboyant"

I'm perfectly fine with flamboyant people, but what I'm not fine with is when gay people think that they're "more gay" than other gay people just because they're more effeminate/flamboyant.In my opinion, it's like they're stereotyping not only themselves, but gay people in general and these stereotype lead to awful terms like "straight acting" for those who do not exhibit the traits.Hell, I once even caught some gay people trying to say that more masculine gay guys were trying hard to be like that and that those people should just be themselves by being more effeminate. It's almost like there's some gay people who actually think femininity directly correlates with being gay and that masculine gay guys are somehow still in denial with themselves.It really bothers me that some gays fail to see that we're a diverse group of people and that not everyone is necessarily going to live up to the stereotypes they seem to hold so true. It's just another example of discrimination within the community I guess...So if you're flamboyant, please continue on being yourself, but also remember that you're not "more gay" than other gay people just because you fit the stereotype.This mostly applies to gay men, since I don't really see thing happening with lesbians or bisexuals. (Not sure about trans people though in this case.)

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