2016. április 3., vasárnap

Relationships are scarce among youthful gay guys.

Hi folks.22y/o aussie gay guy here. Been thinking lately that seldom do I stumble across confident, out gay men in relationships at a young age. Why is this the case?When I go to gay bars, the average age is around about 35 and probably normally distributed with only very, very few guys my age there (I've met a grand total of 1 person my age, and none younger, from many times venturing out to Sircuit Bar in Melbourne). I end up frequently hanging out and making acquaintances with guys much older than I am.I know a number of people my age who are recently out, in the "process" of coming out, and a few fleeting suspicions of those who are still closeted. This probably has a lot to do with it, although gay guys are coming out younger than ever.Is it because people come out later on average than our hetero bros and thus are less savvy to dating? I haven't had much luck outside one 3 month relationship.Another thing bugging me; how is it that in a university of 40,000 people, and if we assume 5-10% of the 20,000 males on campus are gay... where are the 1,000 to 2,000 gay guys on grindr? I can only see like 50 max. Of those, most are senior researchers or extended postgrad students, and only a tiny fraction, maybe 10-20 are undergrad students.It just seems so hard to make meaningful connections with guys my age when it should be a cinch.Any thoughts, relevant experiences? Successful relationship stories of how you met your partner at 22? Would be keen to hear what people think, if you agree, disagree, and why?

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