2016. április 2., szombat

Pretty sure I am gay...or bi at least

I know only I can "look inside" and figure out my sexuality, and that there is no need for labels and I should only do what I feel comfortable with. But this has been bugging me for the past 3 weeks or so and I need to get it out.I am 17 years old, and male. I have never actually had sex (it's illegal in my state), and have never masterbated or even kissed a member of the same or opposite sex. I know I should try and experiment but I want my first "real" date to be...accurate, if you will. I started having gay thoughts when I was 13 or so-I had a fascination with the male gentialia and because of how immature and perverted I was, started googling "naughty" pictures. I didn't want porn, but I did get very aroused. The first time I naturally ejaculated was accidentally seeing 2 guys doing it when I was 14. I had never felt different when I was younger like some gay guys do, and all of my kindergarten and elementary crushes were female, though looking back, I could easily blame the internalized homophobia of society and the fact that I didn't even understand the concept of being gay.When I was 13 too, I had my first sex dream, but it was with a women. But I don't feel any romantic or sexual attraction to women when I am awake. Sex with a women disgusts me and I wouldn't want to date one in real life. However, when I had a sort of joking "bromance" with my best friend, I felt comfortable and liked his presence and even grew a kind of crush on him (but he is as straight as they come, so :( ). I also have this idea of a perfect boyfriend, who I pathetically day dream about when I am bored. I still wouldn't rush in to bed with a guy, though. I am definently demisexual-meaning I have to have a strong emotional connection with some one in the order to have sex-but I would have definently had sex with my friend if he did ask, and if I had to chose, I would obviously pick the guy to have sex with. But, every time I think I am gay, I keep going back to that sex dream...Recently, and I am ashamed to admit this, I have started googling pictures of attractive naked guys for pleasure (thanks Tumblr), and I get a massive erection and ejaculate a lot when I do. However, when I googled naked women, I didn't get aroused and was offended by the degrading poses they put those women in.So, I sound pretty gay, but the other part of me thinks I am bi because of my childhood crushes and my sex dreams (I have never had a sex dream with a male). And, though I know your personality has nothing to do with your sexuality, I LOVE pop music like Adele and Pentatonix :P .But any thougts? Can any gay guys relate to this at all or am I just bi?

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