2016. április 3., vasárnap

I messed up.

Hey guys, I asked a question about this situation a couple weeks ago and the more I thought about this week I realized how blinded I was.I met this guy online a little over a month ago and the first time we hung out/hooked up, I brought this psychedelic with me called 2cb with and asked if he wanted to try it. It's known as an aphrodisiac so duh, sex would be great. We had a pretty great time, but my judgement slipped...really bad. I ended up having unprotected sex with him (I bottomed and topped) because he told me he was negative, was just tested, and was on PrEP. Now that I think about it, I sorta feel like he uses PrEP as an excuse to have bareback sex whenever. I have always been really good about using protection...even when I've hooked up with someone on MDMA and they suggested barebacking I whipped my condom out and was like "nope!" So I don't know why I didn't stick to my guns this time around. It was my first time bottoming and I got really into it, so much he thought I was a total bottom. Please don't judge/criticize me about my drug use, this was a one time slip up and I'm otherwise very responsible/educated.After just hanging out a couple more times as friends, he mentioned wanting to do 2cb with me again so I was like sure (this was two weekends ago). But this time I felt "off". I don't know if I was just tripping out, but the whole time I felt like I was being taken advantage of somehow. He played the same music, which creeped me out, I felt like he was just trying to replicate the experience. Where with me, psychedelic use is more of a spiritual go with the flow thing. We started to fuck (me bottoming again), but I told him I didn't feel like it. If you've done this drug you would know it comes in waves where you just want chill, and then get really sexual. So when the sexual wave hit, we'd mess around again and before I know it it felt like he was trying to fuck me, then I kinda snapped out of it and rejected, and he was like "come on get dirty with me." He tried convincing me to use a popper, which I refused. And also asked if I'd like him to use a condom, and I told him I just didn't want to fuck!Anyways, after that weekend I made this post ( http://ift.tt/1RW33ad ). At the time I thought I had feelings for him because we would just hang and do things as friends too.Then we hung out again last weekend.Went to the beach and chilled for a few hours, chilled, listened to music and chatted. Then we got dinner, and watched some Pixar movies. It was nice day, but he brought up a few things that kinda caught my attention. He told me that after him and his ex broke up (in Dec), he’s been a "little slut" and that he’s just enjoying being 24. I kinda already got the impression that he likes to sleep around from previous conversations so I wasn't too too surprised. He also told me that he "thought I was a little crazier" from my original profile when we first met, as in he thought I was more sexual. I didn’t really know how to take this...especially after the previous weekend. He also said he’s not interested in putting in effort to hang out with people who aren’t worth the time. I was kind of left with a bitter taste in my mouth after that day, and I felt like any connection we previously had was gone, and he was much less affectionate.He would never initiate texts during previous weeks, but would always be down to hang out if I mentioned it. So I sent him one text last Sunday saying to let me know if he wants to hang this weekend and I haven't heard anything from him since.So I've sort of woke up, and am asking myself what the hell have I been thinking hanging out and wasting my time and energy on this person who obviously doesn't care about my well being?! I feel like he got all he wanted from me, especially since he realized I wasn't as crazy as he thought(?).I should have gone to get PEP right away but I didn't, decided to play the odds. I'm scared, but I'm trying to stay rational. I've only told one person about this possible exposure, one of my older friends, and he seemed really concerned and told me to get tested ASAP so I'm going to next week. But, god forbid, what do I do if I test positive? Do I contact this guy again and tell him? And I wouldn't want to take legal action (I have proof of him explicitly saying he's negative) because he can turn around and get me in trouble for possession, so yea.

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