2016. április 2., szombat

Feeling weird emotions day after sex

Hello,So last weekend my friends and I went to a club. I ended up making out with a guy and my guy friend didn't get to. So we debated going back the week after. So I said what if we found a guy to makeout with and didn't have to go to the club?So I went on Grindr and this guy messaged me some pics. I thought he was cute and so did my friend. I asked if he wanted to hang at my friend's place last night. He said yes and long story short I kinda knew him. He lived down the street from a friends house and his brother was friends with him. The funny part is I asked my friend about him not too long ago.Anyways, we picked him up and went to my friend's house. It was a little awkward and we picked a movie to watch (Halloween) and sat on the bed. I was in the middle and after awhile I grabbed the guys hand and we held hands. It was obvious that he wanted to begin so eventually I said. Let's get this started and I ended up making out with him. Then he made out with my friend. He was really hardcore and I loved it. He kissed me and then my friend.Eventually he took off his shirt and so did I. We continued to makeout. Then we were all naked. The guy had a huge cock and I asked if anyone had condoms. My friend had some and lube. I then said that my friend and him could go first since I never had anal before.So my friend and the guy were having anal. The guy was the top and he rammed his huge cock inside my friend. When it was my turn I asked if he could put on a new condom. So before this I asked if he did this before and he said yes. He was an expert and knew exactly what to do. For an 18 year old I was impressed.He stuck his huge cock in my tight asshole and it hurt like a motherfucker! I tried my best to relax but it hurt to the point I almost cried. So we stopped and continued kissing.After a while he put his clothes on and I didn't want it to end. So I took his dick out and sucked it. I tried to get him to cum but he said he already did and couldn't again. I then took my pants off and began jacking off over him. I said that he would get his shirt wrecked so he lifted it up some more. I was in an uncomfortable position so I laughed next to him and continued jerking off. I then whispered kiss me as I was near ejaculation. He pulled away and I whispered that I was almost done and all of a sudden j had the biggest organs I've had in a while. It was massive.Anyways, he didn't talk much except a couple words here and there. He did ask about a friend who I still hang with. After we drove home I tried making conversation and I said that was fun and he said yeah. But when he got out of the car he didn't say anything.Today I woke up with a kind of depression feeling. I can't stop thinking about him and wanting to be with him again. Is this normal? I texted him and messaged him on Grindr and said hey. Should I not have messaged him so soon. Do you think he'd be interested again? He sort of gave mixed signals although I know He had fun. The way he was into it and aggressively pounding my ass and my friends and hardcore making out. But after awhile it was like he wasn't interested. I tried kissing and he wasn't as into it as before. Maybe it was because he had ejaculated and was done.

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