2016. január 5., kedd

Campus Pride Clubs

I'm in my second year in University. I've known very few gay people throughout my life, and I've heard the best way to meet more is through campus pride clubs. Although, I'm not sure if I should go or not. I've always disliked some of the attitudes from gay pride. That we are somehow special because we're not straight or that people have to respect us just because we're gay. Even if, individually, we have done nothing to earn their respect. I know pride isn't all like that, but I can't help but think that there is that viewpoint in pride. Frankly, I want people to be so accepting of us that finding out someone is gay is that same as finding out someone got a haircut. I'm starting to ramble a bit, but I'm hoping you understand what I mean. Let me know of any experiences you have had with pride or pride clubs and what you think. Cheers.TL;DR I'm not sure if I should go to pride club on campus, because I think some aspects of pride are stupid. We should be seen just like anyone else, and not above or below them for being gay.

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