2016. január 26., kedd

Is it ever going to be the same?

It has hardly been a month since the person who I was considering as "the man of my life" made it clear to me that we can't be together anymore, and I have no idea where I am standing at the moment. It has been some crazy weeks, trying to adjust to my new life, having a big space inside my heart; I can't feel anything anymore, I just don't want to think about him, I don't want to cry, and I am afraid this is not healthy at all, keeping every feeling inside and not letting my emotions surface.I am a 22 years old guy, living in a country that tends to generally not accept gay people easily. Despite all the obstacles we faced, the relationship lasted for five years. The best five years of my life.I always felt lucky for having him so early in my life. We were both 17 when we met. I was his first, he was my first. First in everything. We grew up together. We lived together. We fought to be together. We slept everynight in each other's arms. We made dreams about the future together. Yes, he was my lover. And yet, he was so much more than that.I know my wounds will heal as time passes by, I will completely accept it and move on...Move on to what? What's next? Will it ever be possible to replace him? Is it ever going to be the same with someone else? I know what most would say: it won't be the same,it will be better. Or that it never is the same, because it will be a different person, but it doesn't mean they will not make me happy...I was happy though... I had things planned, and now I have lost everything...

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