2016. január 28., csütörtök

Fears of Coming Out

Hello Reddit.So i just wanna say i came out two years ago and it was the best decision I ever made.This post is what i would have wanted to read years ago. Coming out is one the hardest thing you will ever do, but by far the best. The fear you will go through is intense, the weight that gets lifted with every word you say will make it all worthwhile, you will feel weightless... I did anyway.. I used to lurk on this subreddit looking for advise, looking for funny ways to come out, how to deal with the aftermath etc.. Again it's the hardest thing you may ever do, but it's also the best...I was born to parents, my mother in catholic Ireland, and father in the protestant church so coming out always seemed like an impossility.. But they both accepted me and its as if nothing ever happened.The support in the gay subreddit community is overwhelming, I would still be in the closet if it weren't for reddit. This is a new account so all the previous posts no longer exist but I hope the small few people who read this feel inspired or encouraged to move forward.I'm no expert but I hope I helped someone along their path.Much Love xx

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